Red light camera in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Red light camera

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deviday | 10:57 Tue 26th Sep 2006 | Motoring
4 Answers
I got caught by a camera going through a red light onto a roundabout. It was 4.30am on the edge of Nottingham and there was no one on the road or on the roundabout. The light was just changing to amber but I guess it must have gone red by the time I crossed over. Is there anything I can do to avoid getting points on my licence? Should I go to court to plead my case?

I have also heard about alternative retraining courses where you pay a fine but the course means you don't get points.
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what do you mean plead your case,you got caught going through the lights,you will be offered a fixed penalty and 3 pts,if you foolishly decide to go to court to plead,you will most probably get fined more for wasting the courts time,unless you have very strong mitigating circumstances,ie rushing your wife to hospital for birth etc,other then that i would not bother,the photo proves you are guilty.the court may take a dim view of you pleading,also depends on how many points you allready have.
I don't think you will be able to avoid the penalties, and as Norman says, without a very good reason, your pleading will be a waste of effort.

This particular instance (if true) just goes to show the sillyness of all these cameras being everywhere.
As a side issue I have seen more drivers booked at traffic lights when pulling away too soon and trying to anticipate the green signal. Be warned!
In some areas there is the possibility of attendng a retraining course. You'd avoid the points but still have to pay roughly the same amount as the fine towards the costs of the course.

However, this will be offered to you if the scheme operates in the Nottingham area. If it's not offered to you you don't get the option - you can't ask for it. It's not nationwide.

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