i woke up this morning and noticed my tyre was totally flat. what can i do? i cant ring the RAC anymore cos i cancelled it last week because i only had 14days to cancel it after they renewed, as i have ordered a new car, which has 3 years free AA cover.
Failing any of the above there is a company that will come out to you i(f you need a new tyre), but they dont mend punctures
Event Mobile Tyres - 08702 407 787
Your Local Mobile Tyre Fitting Service - We Come To You
Your jack will be in your boot somewhere - if it isn't buy one, learn how to do it yourself and then one day you might thank yourself for soing so when you are out late at night stuck in the middle of nowhere and want to get home.
PS buy some Marigolds and keep them with the spare and invest ion a good torch. It's really not that difficult and doesn't require too much physical strength.
Some years ago, I was staying with a (female) friend, and we had to tackle a puncture. We both knew perfectly well how to change a tyre and had all the gear (I'm female also), but just couldn't do it as the garage had tightened the nuts so tight we couldn't shift them and our tools didn't lend themselves to leverage. It was very frustrating to find a burly male to help, we looked real helpless females, Grrr!