Engine stalling when idling in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Engine stalling when idling

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harry orange | 10:01 Sat 21st Apr 2007 | Motoring
4 Answers
The engine on my Nissan NX 100 stalls when idling ... usually when I pull up at traffic lights, road junctions, etc.

I've changed the air filter & cleaned the pilot jet.

What do you recommend?
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i used to have similar problem, it turned out the vac pipe had a spilt, replaced it was fine. they also have a habbit of slipping off.
Question Author
Thanks for that , much appreciated... but may I ask where I locate the vac pipe?

You'll have to make allowances for my lack of motor car mechanics knowledge.

Thanks in anticipation

Reginald Clarke
a thin pipe stinking out of a flat round bit on the side of the distributor(the thing where the plug leads come out).to the carb.
its attached with 3 other hoses and goes behind the carbeurator. Follow those hoses to a round thing and there is a little nozzle that is labeled manifold. Might even be green letters. Thats where the ****** goes. If you run the engine you can hear it hissing. really quick and easy fix. Nissan told me that I needed a new carb. hahaha

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Engine stalling when idling

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