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FAT drivers OFF

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slimmyjimmy | 13:46 Mon 23rd Apr 2007 | Motoring
29 Answers
Who else agrees that the time has come to get obese drivers off the road.

Just you watch these horrible lumps of lard getting into a car if you get chance. Squeezing in behind a steering wheel that is then restricted in it`s movement because of amount of fat jammed up against it. Great lumps of flesh which they laughingly call legs trying hopelessly to control the pedals. Piggy eyes vainly trying to see where they are going! whilst a massive head has much trouble turning.

It should be a condition of holding a driving licence that they are fit to drive, how about regular annual tests and any weight over 12.5 stones automatically refused?


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Sorry, I have to ask...are you some sort of simpleton?
Sounds like a madatory IQ test might be more in order!
As Norman might say, yet another idiot
Has somebody annoyed you?? :-o
Look`s like four answers from overweight people!
Nope - just a low tolerance to trolls
i agree Mr.mad butcher,i noticed some old bird driving a car the other day where(as she was alone)the suspension was making the car scrape on the drivers side as she went over those raised speed humps,noise quite startled me
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slimmyjimmy,do you think it should apply to planes,seats just aint made to accomodate them,pure horror when your sat next to one,fat goes everywhere,its just pure selfishness
Give me a fat person who can drive, over a skinny one who can't any day.
well slim jim
my 44 tonne scania is a hell of a lot bigger than your mini
cant wait to see you out on the road
you scrawny piece of life
so what happens to the rugby players, 15 stone + of pure muscle! like 2 see what will happen 2 u!
As slimmy jimmy is obviously "a driver" and after reading his posting I think the discussion should now be about attitude and mentality of "drivers" rather than their size, and possibly raising the age they are able to obtain a licence to avoid such immature people getting on the road.
I fully agree with the danger of obese drivers but rather than thinking of the licence angle, I have a better idea.

The Insurance Companies, with direction from government if needed, should make them declare their weight each year on renewal. After all, if you know now that you are prone to a heart attack (or any other such condition) you MUST declare it to validate your insurance. These excessively overweight persons DO KNOW what a danger it is to their health.
Not worth responding to slimyjimmy but Mainly Man also talks nonsense. So I tell my insurance company that I am, say, 15 stone. How does that help? I might be 7 feet of pure muscle or I might be a 5 foot slob. How do they know.

Would you ban anorexics as well as they might not have the strength to control the car? Of course not.

As jake says an IQ test might be better.

Keenly awaiting slimey's response.
I agree,get the fat ***** off the road and make them walk everywhere.Preferably weightwatchers.
cant believe what im reading! slimmyjimmy or should i say slimeyjimmy what drugs are you on today i bet any amount of money that your a chav with an xr2. Get a life you thick social reprobate.
my neighbours are so fat that they have to take black cabs everywhere. they dont walk anywhere due to being so obese.when they put there cardboard recycling out all it is is pizza boxes. And we have this system which you fill a brown box with your food waste and the council collects it once a week,its grose,anyway ttheirs is always empty due to them not having any left over food. Anyway theres no way he could get behind a wheel of a car due to his size,getting in the back of a black cab is a struggle.its the dogs i feel sorry for,there fat to and the chance of a walk is zero,in fact i dont think they even got leads.
Right... Slime ball jimmy whoever gave you the right to comment on other peoples weight? You are nothing more than a bully!
Whats the matter are you an ugly duckling so to make yaself feel better you call others names and insult them!
People have committed suicide for comments like yours, you obviously dont think these people have feelings, well guess what? they do!
Bet your mum and her brother regret that one drunk night when they couldnt hold back any longer because you were the outcome of the drunken fumble! Yuk
Mother and brother? What sort of sick weirdo are you baby2 ewww thats vile you should be ashamed of your self for posting that.
Its people like you that make this world a bad place!

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