Hi Rosenicola
I am a driving instructor who has passed many advanced teaching qualifications and now teach driving instructors to teach.
This sounds typical of very poor instructions and should not be happening to you. The fault you have is very easy to correct by any good instructor.
Let me first explain. Any positional fault is nearly always 95% of the time from the eyes. That is to say where you are looking. Some correct replies here about looking into the distance and a wrong one about lining up a nobbely bit or something with the curb. (that may work with pulling up with the curb and parking) Now first how far should you be from parked cars? About the width of an open car door if oncoming traffic allows. Imagine a car door open with the cars in the distance and you will automatically position correctly. If oncoming traffic is coming think less space then less speed.
Some intersting stuff about instructors. No instructor should shout, argue or allow their pupil to collide with anything A simple and gentle prompt like we need to move over or how far from that car should we be? should suffice or failing that gently moving the steering themselves to a safety line. then in a calm and rational question and answer session explore the fault with the pupil then simply go on to remedy this fault.
I do wonder what on earth any instructor was doing allowing somebody to reverse on only their second lesson.
As for moving instructors, you instructor should be giving you a progress sheet each week of how you are doing however I uspect as a poor instructor he is not.
Ask you freinds about thiers and try to get one who is a grade 5 or better still a 6 and if you can find one who is a Diploma holder then better still. If freinds can not help then ring round and ask the above questions and ask for proof.
Good luck and happy safe driving