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Excuse me but who the hell made you judge jury and executioner!
I had not had my licence for long when i first got caught and admit i was a stupid kid!
Since that first offence i have always kept myself under control, as you said, i too have just crept above the speed limit, mainly on motorways.
On this occasion it was a momentary lapse of concentration as to what speed i was doing. It is a new car which i only picked up 4 days previous and the acceleration is a hell of a lot better than my previous car.
I am very remorseful as i have know people who have died/seriously injured from accident caused by exessive speed. And who are you to make judgement on me from one damned question on here.
So yes i know i have done wrong but how dare you tar me with the same brush as the people out there who speed excessively day after day.
I came on here to ask a simple question, and i have had some sensible answers from others. But i suppose there always has to be some self righteous git out there who thinks he is better than the rest of the world. You have the whole god complex down to a tee mate. Surely you have better things to do with your life than come on here and slag people off for making a "mistake" Or perhaps you dont, hence why you are here
Get a life