The answer provided by gouldc is not correct.
The minimum mandatory disqualification period for accumulating 12 points within three years is six months and, for a first disqualification under the �totting� rules this is rarely exceeded.
There can be no reduction for taking part in any courses. These are only offered for specific offences such as speeding (and only then in certain areas of the country . Penalty points can be awarded, of course, for any offence.
The defendant will be given the opportunity to present evidence that such a ban would cause �exceptional hardship�. It is not easy to succeed with this plea. Things which would affect anybody, such as loss of employment, are not generally regarded as �exceptional�.
Now be prepared for an answer from NORMANTHE DOG. Recently he has taken to suggesting that some of my answers - as well as those of others - are (what he describes as) �crap�, so be prepared for this one to be similarly disparaged. I can only say that I do not provide answers which are factual unless I am sure they are correct. The details can be checked in a number of places, so I suggest you try the Road Traffic Acts or Magistrates;� Sentencing Guidelines if you have any doubts.