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renault clio bonnet problem

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sugar plum | 22:04 Fri 25th Jan 2008 | Motoring
5 Answers
anyone know how i can open bonnet as the opening catch has snapped off,i got an estimate from local garage and said would cost 250 pound


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you can undo the catch if you remove the front grill, Have you tried a scap yard for spares?
did you know some of the clio had a recall coz of the catchs
Question Author
thanks,no havent tried scrap yard,theres short wires inside car where the catch was
If you go through via the front grill, behind the wired panel will be the latch which is pulled by the cable (that you broke) pull the latch and it will open the bonnet.

if you can get a pair of mole grips have a go a pulling the wires, most people have to go through the front grill as they cant get mole grips on the wires.
Question Author
thanks very much for your answer i/ll give it a go.

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renault clio bonnet problem

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