seen it recently that someone can get tax with a suppose they only get a months covernote.. get a years tax on it.. does that mean they can drive around undetectable? with a legal tax disc or would they know?
Its not just cover notes - I know people who have taken out insurance, got the insurance certificate, bought the tax disc and then promptly cancelled the insurance again.
The authorities do not rely on the existence of a valid tax disc to determine if insurance cover exists for a vehicle. All motor insurance policies are placed on the MID (Motor Insurance Database)...
As Kempie says, all insurance policies are on the MID. The police nowadays use Number Plate Recognition Cameras that read the plate and instantly check it against the MID. Cancel the policy - it comes off the MID, likewise, if you don't pay monthly premiums.
The police can take your car now if it's not insured.
All they need to do is automate the system now so that the estimated 10% of drivers who don't insure get caught.