I've just bought a car from a reputable dealership with 14K miles on the clock. The service booklet could not be produced but a duplicate has been issued which gives next to no info. It records date 1st registered, date of purchase and mileage. Against 'Service carried out' [prior to purchase] is the word Variable. + dealer's stamp. There is no other info in the booklet except t blank service pages. Am I unreasonable in being dissatisfied with such paltry info?
What parts are not filled in ? and what infomation do you think should be there
I know the service books in our cars are very basic and dont tell you very much EG first page is car details reg colour chassis number date of reg, other pages get stamped as you get the car serviced, and they only tell you date, and mileage
If the car has been serviced at the car makes dealers they should be able to download all servicing carried out at any dealers of that make to the car.