Hi, Can anyone help me find out how much my car tax is likely to be once the new A-M bands come into effect. I seem to be getting conflicting information. My understanding is that cars registered before 2001 will be taxed according to their engine size, and cars registered after March 2001 will be taxed according to their c02 emmissions. Is this correct? If you look at the attched link it shows the current bands and the future bands, but it mentions nothing about car ages. My car is a 2.5 litre Rover with c02 emmissions of 249g/km and I am currently in band F and pay �210 road tax per year. If I then look at the new bands, a car with my emmissions would fall under band which would be �450 in 2009 and the �750 in 2010.
As I see it your car will be in new tax band L which will cost you �415 in 2009 and �430 in 2010. The �750 is for new cars first registered in 2010/2011.
Cars registered before March 2001 are taxed based on engine size. Cars registered since then are taxed based on CO2 emissions.
That is the situation now, and it won't change when the CO2 bands are amended.
If the road tax you currently pay is calculated by your car's CO2 emissions figure, it must have been registered after March 2001, in which case I don't understand why you believe vehicle age is a relevant factor for you.
ROBBING BARSTOOLS, my car tax this year is �185, in 2009 it's �185 and in 2010 it's gonig to be �200, I wouldn't mind but it only does 1000 miles a year and it's not even worth the tax I pay on it but I can't see the point on buying a newer car for the sake of it....