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breaks squeeling

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tinglepie | 22:57 Thu 07th Aug 2008 | Motoring
7 Answers
changed front pads on my type r 2 weeks ago but now if i touch breaks lightly the howl like a wolf. And if i break hardly they squeel like a pig. What have i done wrong i am ever so embarassed


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number of reasons,
were they cheap pads?...if they had anti squeal shims did you refit them properly, did you use copperslip when fitting?...what were the condition of the discs ?...
You should fit some "brakes", instead of "breaks".

They work much better.


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i used copper greece yes. they were cheap pads also. Discs were acceptable. What are anti squeel shims? I never heard of these
not all vehicles have anti sqeal shims......tried bedding them in ? i.e. some hard braking to get them hot
Anti-squeAl shims fit between the piston in the caliper and the back of the new pad. They are very thin pieces of metal and should be supplied with the pads if you get decent pads, or may be bought seperately.

You put copperslip (or is it coppaslip LOL) on both sides of the shims before you fit them.
Cheap Pads!! Replace them.
One part of the car you should not buy cheap parts for , and you commited the cardinal sin , get good pads and discs everytime, and use the copper grease on the rear of the pads this should stop the vibration/squeel, if you are lucky you won't have to test your cheap pads out although they will not last as long as the top brands bought from a reputable dealer ...........

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