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What annoys you on the road?

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R1Geezer | 12:30 Fri 22nd Aug 2008 | Motoring
47 Answers
Now I know all the common stuff like tailgating, middle lane hogging etc etc. What I mean is what really annoys you that is really fairly harmeless but winds you up none the less. What really gets me annoyed is people stopping when they don't have to. Mainly at roundabouts, I look a long time before and judge whether I need to stop. A lot of others seem to have blinkers right up to the give way line, emergency stop, then look! aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh, you are allowed to look beforehand!


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Folk indicating right at a roundabout THEN GOING STRAIGHT ON whilst NOW indicating left

people in the wrong lane on the roundabout who then cut across you.

young lads who think they are brilliant drivers because they drive way too fast

big bore exhausts

people who stop at a roundabout when there was no need to (it was clear)

yep, I agree with tigger - pedestrians who glare at you as though you've infected their kids with antrax because you have the temerity to turn left from a main road into a side road despite the fact they haven't bothered looking.
Oh that has just reminded me of another........ people who put their prams or pushchairs into the road while waiting to cross !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pedestrians have the right of way, they could have screwed you up by stepping into the road
Lack of lane discipline. People who turn left from the middle lane, with a turning circle that would suit a huge lorry and so you have to stop and wait for them. These are probably the same people who turn right from the inside lane, but they have to wait so everybody has to wait.
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the other side of that though flipflop is a55hole car drivers who toot their horn because you are crossing a side road. The highway code clearly says "give way to pedestrians crossing a road int which yu are turning" it is not for the pedestrian to wait.
i would prefer it if the motorists did not stop to let us pedestrians cross.
i know they think they're helping but they're not really.
i want my children to know not to cross the road in front of a car and often have to wave them to go.
its dangerous because they stop going one way but what about the other way. that motorist may not see us.
Thanks for offering but no thanks :-)
Where the road is only wide enough for one car, so you pull into a gap and stop to let the car further down thru, only for that to stop after you and wait for you to go through. Watch the ruddy road ahead will you and see what's happening!
People who don't indicate, whether it be turning, changing lanes on a motorway or on a roundabout (I am not psychic!)

People who overtake you and then cut in right in front of you causing you to brake.

Lorries that tailgate you in 50mph sections of the A14

And the one that happened today:- pulled out on the dual carriageway to let someone out (he didn't really leave me much choice) and then he sat parallel with me, I slowed down to drop in behind him so he did too! I had to put my foot down to pass him so I didn't miss my junction.
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People who stop on the hard shoulder of the motorway to pee on the grass.

I see it so often that I suspect the law must have been changed to allow it.
Oh yes, and foreign truck drivers who think the cut throughs behind the bridge pillars on the southside of the M25 are garages for them to park in.

(Why do the cops allow it?)
People who park in Disabled parking bays without a blue certificate, and then walk away quickly without so much as a limp. If I had a gun>>>>>>>>
People who park illegally in Disabled Parking Bays and then walk quickly away without so much as a limp. And there are some who pull up tight to the rear of my car and I can`t get my fold-up buggy in the boot although I have a sign in the rear window requesting that I need just two foot of space to do so.
I cannot believe no one has mentioned getting stuck behind some halfwit trundling down a sliproad joining a motorway at 30 mph. Really winds me up. Had to blast past one on the inside once just to be able to join the motorway at the same speed as the flowing traffic. Yes I know its wrong!!!!!
I hope you dont squirt motorcycles that tail gate you,
it gets my visor wet - I hate people like you who do it -
how dare you, just let me past,
if a lorry tailgates you just put your left foot on the brake pedal so your brake lights come on & accelerate.
or move out of their way.
People who block junctions where they're queuing to get off because they're paranoid that someone will push in front of them so are superglued to the exhaust of the car in front!
My one gripe, is that at traffic lights the lights go green and the car is still stationary.

What are they waiting for?? Someone to shout go??!!!

And as a pedestrian, it annoys when car do not indicate they're turning as you start to cross the road, thus nearly getting killed in the process!!! We are not mind readers!!!!

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