I think this question would be better posted on Business and Finance. I have no knowledge of how car finance works but to increase the debt from 2700 to 4680 seems rapacious (a 72% increase). It looks like the debt has been sold to a debt collection agency. Did you ignore Blackhorse?. Not very wise if you did. I believe they are linked to LLoydsTSB Bank and they would have been willing to negotiate a repayment plan with you if you had talked to them. If the debt collectors are after you they cannot take things from your house without a CCJ (court order). If or when it gets to court you can negotiate a repayment plan but this will include all their charges. The monthly amount the court orders could be quite low if you are on a low income. They make money out of this which is why they wont accept your offer. As mentioned. post this on Business and Finance and also i would suggest going to the CAB who have experts in this sort of problem.