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MG trophy blue

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mikkin59 | 07:51 Fri 07th Aug 2009 | Motoring
4 Answers
Can anyone tell me if its possible to get MG trophy blue off the shelf in a spray anywhere? Ive tried a couple of Halfords with no joy. The Halfords I tried dont seem to carry any MG colours. Many thanks.


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Try a Rover dealers Mik all the forums seem to point in that direction. Have also seen that Halfords can colour match and put it in a can. worth asking
many car trade paint suppliers can mix and fill spray cans in whatever colour you want
just need to find a car paint shop.
where i live in mids we have breakwell paints walsall which can mix anything from old classics - pearl paint perfectly. If not visit a body shop and ask them where they go for paint as they have it mixed up to,, then go there.
Hi try Davmacs they have every colour you need in cellulose or 2 pack go to google and type Davmacs and were you live it will give you the nearest one to you hope this helps

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MG trophy blue

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