Twice in a month a flashing car motif indicates unauthorised key is being used to start the car - and it aint. It's my car, my key.
First time after a few tries I turned the key over and all was OK. Yesterday doing that and trying the spare key failed to cure the problem. The RAC man came and of course - it was all OK when he tried it. The Dealer is quoting £600+ to get behind dashboard to change the unit. Any comments please.
Contact Skoda direct, this problem is with them considering the age of the car, do not be put off with their comments that it is going to cost, stick to your guns and demand the problem be put right with no cost.
You either may require the keys synchronized( if the key buttons have been repeatedly operated while car is out of range) or programmimg (if its a system malfunction)
Try synchronizing as follows; stand beside the drivers door with door shut. press either of buttons on the key and with the minute manually (using key) unlock the door. see if this helps.