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ABS light 1999 Megane 1.4 8v (Liberte)

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New2Quizzes | 08:44 Sun 06th Dec 2009 | Motoring
13 Answers
I trust the mechanic I use! He has vast experience and certainly would not overlook the obvious.

He has changed wheel sensors and even the "brain" but still the ABS light comes on most of the time. Fault reader always shows fault at rear left wheel. He is now considering whether the problem might be in the brake loom, under the car.

Any advice/knowledge/experience gratefully received as the MOT approaches!



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Before you changed the sensor you could have checked out its resistance.
Have a close look round the ABS ring on the hub, a cracked tooth or if its loose on the hub, would flag up a fault.
It may also be just the new sensor connect block is not fully secured.
Has he correctly "READ AND CLEARED" the code?
Christ, ZACS, You can be a bit raw sometimes, heavy night was it,? :-)
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The "point" is that, unlike a number of other mechanics I've encountered over the years, ths one is always receptive to the views and experience of others and has no objection to my trying to look for other opinions.
the trouble with ABS is its complexity,
I don't personally like it, but i'm sure many others would disagree,
I once had a fault on an ABS system similar to what you are describing, but I noticed that the light only came on during wet periods, no prob at all when it was dry, so, obviously a fault with earthing somewhere when wet,
as the brakes were working perfectly, i ignored it, just had to make sure it was all dry when it went for MOT,
I am not suggesting that it is same in your case, but have you tried doing an emergency stop on a quiet road somewhere, just to see if any wheels lock up, ?
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Thank you, logic, for your considered response. Strangely enough, I seem to remember running through some floods on a local road just prior to all this hassle starting. Obviously, that could have been a coincidence, in both your case and mine.

The thing is, irrespective of how the brakes actually perform, for MoT purposes the light must go out, as I understand it.

Thanks again.
if the light must be out - remove the bulb maybe in desperation.
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No, too easy! The light must show, then go out.
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Anyone know if it's legal to switch to an "ordinary" (non-ABS) master cylinder and completely get rid of the ABS? Thanks.
Hi, after reading your last A, think very seriously before you EVEN go down that road of disconnecting, Driving with ABS is a must, If you have never driven a car without ABS Try it and see what you think! hard breaking means wheel / brake lock ups & dangerous.
Any good mechanic would connect up to your engine management system and find the problem quickly.For mot test the light has to go out in a certain length of time,it differs for different cars but your mot test centre should have a chart displaying this.In your manual it will say if your abs light comes on seek professional help as soon as possible.
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Solved - and tested successfully!

For the record, two different diagnostic readers had failed to identify the precise problem. The mechanic's "hunch" that the loom was at fault proved to be right.

Thanks to all who took an interest.

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ABS light 1999 Megane 1.4 8v (Liberte)

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