remote keyfob in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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remote keyfob

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TEAK36 | 18:50 Tue 08th Feb 2005 | Motoring
3 Answers
my remote kefyfob for the central locking on my car no longer works.I have replaced the batteries,but it still does not work.Is it possible to get a replacement,and if so,does anybody know how much this might cost.My car is a 1997 Rover 600 TI.
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Are you sure you dont have to put in a code?if my batteries go, I have to replace them in 15 seconds or put the code in again.
I agree with vinny100, rather than buy a new one, you may just need to synch the key with the car. From what I can recall, the key and car change their code ever so slightly every time they are pressed in order to foil the type of people that may try to "grab" your key code with a scanner or the like, then pinch your car when you've gone off shopping. Have a look in the owners manual about whether this is necessary for your car.

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