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dropped kerb

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nomininolife | 11:45 Wed 08th Nov 2006 | Road rules
13 Answers
is it illegal to park an untaxed vehicle on a dropped kerb if it won't fit on the driveway as it is classed as a footway?


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I think it is illegal to have an untaxed vehicle anywhere unless you have filled in a SORN.
An untaxed vehicle must be on private land with a SORN.
I thought it was illegal to park any vehicle on a kerb.
I think it's only illegal for HGVs (dunno whether that would be 3 ton+ or 7� ton+)

But it's in the Highway code as a recommendation for non-HGVs.
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hi Saimsal, thanks for that. but can you tell me exactly what it says in the highway code regarding the footway only i am been taken to court over this and it would help, ps yes the car was under a sorn it was only parked there because it was to long to fit on the drive.
As I understand it if a vehicle doesn't have a current road tax disc on it, it can't be parked on the highway. Also there is no offence of parking on the pavement but there is an offence of obstruction. So if you're blocking the pavement in a way that forces pedestrians to step in the roadway to get past, you're in the wrong again.
I think even if it has a sorn on it, you have to have it on private land as Ethel says.
As I understand it if a vehicle doesn't have a current road tax disc on it, it can't be parked on the highway. Also there is no offence of parking on the pavement but there is an offence of obstruction. So if you're blocking the pavement in a way that forces pedestrians to step in the roadway to get past, you're in the wrong again. Therefore if you have parked across the dropped kerb, you are preventing people with pushchairs or wheelchairs from using that access onto the pavement.
I think even if it has a sorn on it, you have to have it on private land as Ethel says.
Can't you move whatever is taking up the space on your drive and move your sorn vehicle there, completely off the road and footway? Even though you're too late to benefit from this now, it may help to stop them getting you again.
Sorry - was distracted and didn't realise I posted that last one twice, but with a bit extra added on the second one! Ignore the first - it's my age!!
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I am not blocking the pedestrians way because there is a normal footpath between the drive and the dropped kerb, and as i said before the car wouldn't fit on the drive it was to long. I was sent a fine and they let me off and then 11 days later sent me another fine for the same offence and that is why i am going to court because no one seems to know what the law is on this situation, not even a solicitor knows, so i just wondered if anybody knew or had had this problem. thanks
Well, i can't offer any more advice,sorry. But if your drive isn't long enough to accomodate one vehicle it can't really be called a drive - it's more of a drrr.
Ooops! Just thought of something - Can you take photo's with you to court to clarify what the situation is? If it's as I understand it - is it that the only persons access via this dropped kerb that you would be blocking is to your own driveway? Then you're not complaining about it so what is their problem? (If I've still got it wrong I'll shut up after this!)
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Thanks for all the answers, i will let you know what happens
I was actually just responding to Keeprockin's comment.

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dropped kerb

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