last year i was caught driving with no insurance and given 6 points. my renewall came round this year but i didnt declare my points but stuck with the same company. Today my car has been broken into and bent the hell out of the door. i have a crime ref number but when i contact my insurance does any1 no if my points situation will come into play?
Many thanks Andy
if you make a claim,then they find out about your points they will take you to court and you will never get car insurance again,your name will go on the register,your a mug,you should have told them,it might be better you tell them about the points now,say you dident relise,at least you will be in the clear,but dont claim for the daMAGE,JUST GET A NEW DOOR FROM THE BREAKERS.
Firstly, driving without insurance is one of the worst motoring offences you can have and it should be dealt with in the same manner as drink driving: had you had an accident whilst uninsured it would have been those of us that do pay for insurance that would have paid through increased insurance costs.
Secondly, you have obtained insurance through a deliberate non-disclosure which would, most likely, result in the policy being voided - that is to say cancelled from inception and therefore there never having been insurance in force. Should this happen you would receive a refund of the premium paid.
Best advice, as someone has previously said, is to eat a lot of humble pie and try to convince them you made a geniune mistake in not declaring it, but now you've realised you didn't declare it you've advised them immediately. They may still void the policy - but they just simply charge you an additional premium. DON'T CLAIM - as somebody has previously said, deal with the damage yourself.
If you get away without the policy being voided you've had a result - because there is not an insurance company in the land that would touch somebody who (1) has a no insurance conviction and (2) has a voided policy behind them as a result of a non-disclosure of the conviction.
Now personally, anybody caught without insurance should be banned for at least a year and get a fine in the thousands - fines for no insurance are often significantly less than an insurance premium for a year - where the hell is the threat there!!!
You may be able to get away with claiming off your insurance if they do not check your licence. However you should consider whether it is worth the risk of a loss of no claims bonus.
Even if the insurance company realise that you have failed to disclose the correct details all they will do is invalidate your insurance. You will not get convicted for it.
And as for you being refused insurance in the future the chances of that are very slim. They certainly can not make it 'impossible' for you to get insurance in the future. It is more likely that the only setback will be a rise in your annual premium.
It is more than likely that they will just repair your car and your points situation will not come into play at all.