Norman, sincere apologies to you, I thought you were referring to me. I made a joke in one of my threads that was obviously just a joke (breastfeeding my kitten) and got hounded by a couple of nutters on other threads were I obviously wasn't making a windup. As for the Original here, I didn't think it was a windup, maybe you noticed something I didn't. However, I did not mean to insult you, I thought you were having a go at me, ignore it.
spaced, I am by nature very sensitive to road traffic abuses, I lost 2 people very close to me in RTAccidents, both caused by reckless and dangerous driving. However, it is my belief that:
1) when you have a go at a poster in a situation like this, you do not make him change his thinking or behaviour. Do you honestly believe that he will see what you wrote, and have a change of heart? He has already gone to the police voluntarily: so he knows he did something wrong.
2) People will refrain from coming on here and asking questions like the one posed here, because no one likes to be given a ticking off. It's hardly your place. He who is without sin, throw the first stone. I'm sure there's something you've done (we've all done) in your life that you're not proud of that you wouldn't post on here, simply for fear of people having a go at you about it.
So given the low upside to the criticism approach and the large potential downside, I would just leave it out.
I asked a question about caring for my kittens born to an elderly cat, I couldnt believe the answers that were just laying in to me for not getting her spayed. Who are these busybodies?