My husband works for a recyling company and usually drives a large transit style van. Because he had a large collection to make his boss asked him to drive the 7.5 tonne vehicle. Unfortunately my husband was involved in a collision with another vehicle. When he reported this to his boss my husband was informed he had been taken off the insurance policy to drive that particular vehicle. My husband has now been charged with driving without due care and attention, not keeping an accurate tacograph record and no insurance. His employer has been charged with not keeping accurate tacograph records and allowing employees to drive with no insurance. My husband has been driving for almost 30 years and this is his first accident. He's terrified he will lose his licence (and therefore his job) and all the potential implications which would occur. I've read that he will be able to plead his innocence/mitigating circumstances because, to his knowledge, he was insured to drive that vehicle and it was up to his employer to basically not tell him to drive it being aware he was uninsured to do so. Please help!