Panic Button, Did you ever see on your routes the Chassis & Driver getting delivered? the driver was in a make shift box & was vulnerable to be thrown out of the make shift seating! No, I am not joking, I used to travel the M1 Daily + other parts of the country, I often used to pick up Platers that had delivered these Chassis ready for the assembly of the body of the coach.
I've seen chassis on the back of a flatbed, going to have bodywork fitted- I don't think H & S would allow them to be driven these days. It must have looked comical.
Considering all the current Health and Safety law, how come we can still have standing passengers on a vehicle doing 50 mph?
If the car was only invented now, it would be banned as too dangerous.
the reason that bus drivers do not wear seatbelts is for attending to passengers and collection of fares as with taxi drivers
if the bus driver were to wear seatbelts he wouldnt have the manouverability required to do his job properly in the seat
as for coach drivers they are required by law to wear seatbelts whilst driving except for reversing