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Dangerous Driver Training "Doesn't Work"

Dangerous drivers who are given extra training instead of being prosecuted for driving offences show no improvement in their driving, Fleetnews Net reports. Research by the Department of Transport found that drivers who undertook the two-day motor insurance recommended National Driver Improvement Scheme (NDIS) were no...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Driver Association Accused Of Encouraging Speeding

The AA has been accused of encouraging speeding by selling devices which alert drivers of nearby speed cameras, the Independent has reported. Although the organisation does not sell radar or camera detectors, it retails navigational devices which can warn drivers of speed cameras which lie ahead. The list of cameras ...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Small Accidents Lead To Bigger Accidents

Drivers who regularly bump or scrape their cars are more likely to go on to have a serious crash say motor insurance companies. The finding has led to calls for those who have a series of a small motor insurance claims to be treated in the same way as someone who has had one large accident. After causing a major acci...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Going Online Makes Safer Drivers

Driver training specialists and motor insurance companies have developed an online psychometric test designed to predict how motorists are likely to behave at the wheel. The Driver Risk Index has been developed by Cranford University to assess driver behaviour, highlight potential risk factors and recommend further tr...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Ten Million Admit Thought Of Motorway Driving Causes Cold Sweat

Ten million drivers in the UK admit that just the thought of venturing onto a motorway is enough to bring them out in a cold sweat, reveals motor insurance research. One in five women told motor insurance researchers that they simply avoid motorways altogether. Motor insurance companies believe that these drivers are...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Learner Drivers To Get Black Box Help

Learner drivers are to get help from aeroplane style "black box" recorders, one of the UK's largest driving schools has announced. The recorders will provide printouts of all manoeuvres made at the end of every lesson so that learners are able to keep track of their progress and see where they need to improv...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Up to 10 Million Still Using Phones At Wheel

Millions of motorists are still putting their lives and others in jeopardy by using mobiles at the wheel, says a motor insurance survey. Government figures have put the number of drivers breaking the law by chatting on their mobiles while driving at just 1.5 per cent since the law was changed to illegalise it. But the...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Act Now On Motor Insurance Or Face The Penalties

Motorists who are at risk of being caught up in the latest blitz on the uninsured on our roads should act now if they want to keep their cars, the motor insurance industry has warned. The motor insurance industry estimates that as many as 1.2 million are driving without insurance in the UK. Their chances of being caug...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Nearly Half Of Young Drivers Carry Weapons

A recent motor insurance survey has found that almost half of all young motorists are carrying a weapon in their car because they are insecure about crime. Nearly 60 per cent say that they had previously had their vehicles vandalised, and nearly 50 per cent said that they have had something stolen from their car. Mot...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

UK Set For A ‘Plague’ Of Speed Cameras

The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has slated the government for the "plague of speed cameras" spreading across the country alongside unnecessarily low speed limits. IAM training is unanimously recommended by the motor insurance industry as one of the best ways to lower motor insurance quotes. It is o...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Just One Drink Can Cause A Car Accident

The motor insurance industry and safety campaigners are warning that even having just one drink can greatly increase the chances of having a road accident. Seasonal drink driving campaigns have always concentrated on drivers who are recklessly over the limit. But party goers are being warned that even spending your e...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

DVLA Earns Millions From Phone Lines

The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has earned an extraordinary £1.3 million by charging callers to its general enquiry line. The agency has a 0870 number, charging eight pence a minute, for which it receives a cut. The DVLA defended its extremely lucrative policy by claiming that a local number woul...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

London Council Begins CCTV Monitoring Of Dodgy Manoeuvres

We have all seen the little black boxes high up on street lamps and the corners of buildings. CCTV cameras are in our lives monitoring our movements. The government tells us that they are there for our benefit to help prevent crime and give evidence when crime has been committed. However, it seems that one council is n...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

UK Drivers Risk Brush With Cops While On Holiday

Travel insurance is often touted as the first line of protection against crooks, but it can also prove handy when (inadvertently or not) tourists step onto the other side of the law. A poll by the travel insurance industry has revealed that almost half of all Britons risk a brush with the local gendarmerie when drivin...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Nerves Can Cause Driving Test Failure

It is a common cause of mild amusement between friends about who passed their driving test first or second time. Usually those who pass second time have some iron clad excuse as to why they failed the first test. Now, it seems, people may have a genuine reason to fail. We are all nervous during exams and the driving t...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Half Of All Company Cars May Not Be Road Worthy

More than half of all company vehicles may be officially considered un-roadworthy due to faults serious enough to sink an MOT says recent research by the RAC. More than 3,000 vehicles were checked over a four month period throughout the survey, with 53 per cent failing basic tyre, coolant, oil and screen wash tests - ...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Half Of UK Drivers Not Prepared For Foreign Roads

Many people now take their cars on holiday with them. It can be more convenient to have your own transport at your destination plus there is no luggage allowance. However, many do not realise that some preparation is required when driving abroad, even in Europe. Over half of all drivers in the UK fail to prepare for t...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Holidaymakers Warned About Hire Car Dangers

Tourists have been warned to carefully inspect any hire cars they may take abroad while on holiday. New research has warned of the hidden charges, death-trap defects and insurance rip-offs waiting to ensnare the unwary traveller. Threadbare tyres, worn brake pads, barely road worthy vehicles with 200,000 km on the cl...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Motorists Find Caravans Irritating

What gets on your nerves the most There are many things we all find irritating and a recent survey has apparently put caravans in third place of our all time irritations. Although we appreciate that people who own caravans have a right to drive with them to places of beauty and holiday destinations, sometimes there ca...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Drivers Ignore Little Things

Everyone does it, sitting in the car eating a sandwich as you don’t have time to stop for a proper lunch, light a cigarette, fiddle with the stereo to get the radio station or CD track you want. Most of us wouldn’t dream of taking a swig from a bottle of beer in the car whilst driving so why do we drink fro...15:36 Mon 24th May 2010

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