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Sing Your Way Out Of Commuter Stress

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

We have all been there, stuck in the usual morning traffic jam. The kids are screaming in the back and you have a headache when the guy in front stops suddenly for no reason. Narrowly avoiding certain death and major insurance complications your blood pressure boils and you start to shout and possibly even make rude gestures. This is not an ideal start to the day.

New research has suggested that simply talking, singing and chewing have all been named as possible solutions to commuter stress in new research. Such acts were categorised as "oral gratification" by Nottingham Trent University in a study into how people best deal with stress.

Journeying outside of rush hour and reading were also cited, as was ogling an attractive person - which may help some car insurance customers pass the time. Things which take our mind off the frustrating situation immediately before us seem to work to calm us down.

However, for the 14 per cent of people who the body found to have low tolerance levels, there may be nothing that can help. So watch out for those on the road who are unable to distract themselves out of road rage.

Last month, research from the British School of Motoring found that video games - which some may have previously considered to be relaxing - may be responsible for some road accidents. Apparently young people playing driving simulation games subsequently take to the road and exhibit excessively speedy and aggressive behaviour as their game experience leaks over into real life. This could be a potentially serious source of accidents and road rage incidents in the future.

Some good songs to help relieve commuter stress:

•    2-4-6-8 Motorway – Tom Robinson Band
•    Bat out of hell – Meatloaf
•    Born to run  - Bruce Springsteen
•    Mustang Sally – Wilson Pickett
•    Road to nowhere – Talking Heads

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