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Daydreaming While Driving

Results ★

I don’t generally “think” while driving, I mainly sing along to a CD or listen to the radio to occupy myself
Driving makes me anxious, or requires all my attention, so I have to focus on the act of driving
I often think of new and exciting ideas or solutions to problems while out driving

How often do you catch yourself daydreaming or having a “shower thought” while driving? Do you often think of new ideas or solutions to problems while driving?

Total: 119
A.I don’t generally “think” while driving, I mainly sing along to a CD or listen to the radio to occupy myself36.97 %44
B.Driving makes me anxious, or requires all my attention, so I have to focus on the act of driving32.77 %39
C.I often think of new and exciting ideas or solutions to problems while out driving30.25 %36
Stats until: 07:48 Sun 05th Jan 2025 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)