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Road Improvements

Results ★

Yes, the roads near me have improved a little
I haven't noticed any difference
No, the roads near me are much worse now
No, the roads near me are a little worse now
Yes, the roads near me have improved a lot

Have your local roads been improved this year? (For example pot holes being fixed, improved layouts, new lanes put in, etc.)

Total: 262
A.Yes, the roads near me have improved a little29.39 %77
B.I haven't noticed any difference22.90 %60
C.No, the roads near me are much worse now17.94 %47
D.No, the roads near me are a little worse now17.56 %46
E.Yes, the roads near me have improved a lot12.21 %32
Stats until: 13:21 Sat 21st Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)