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dont know many of the words, this could be the title, but could anyone confirm this, and also give me the artists name? the words i remember are... #you started something, can't you see....blah blah...
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who does the remix of singing in the rain for the new golf advert ??
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What song did Will Young sing in his audition for Pop Idol?
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please can anyone name all the bands/artists that have recorded the song 'my death' by jacques brel? any language (i know the words were translated differently sometimes), any format and if it...
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there was a band a year or so ago on mtv2 in a comp to win a record deal with island records, they didn't win but had a song called paperhouse, the lyrics were somthing like "please dont go im barely...
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I found an old song on tape that I'd recorded off the radio years ago. I think the announcer says that the band is call the mistreated. The lyrics go "Making me feel I'm the one...together...
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Living in New Zealand I am puzzled why there are a lot of Elvis songs suddenly in the UK top 40.  Can someone please enlighten me? Thanks in advance
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Hi, does anyone know the dance tune in the film Collateral when Tom (Vincent) is in the Fever (Korean club) night club? I heard it today on this game show on CBBC thanks! xxx
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can someone tell me the title of the sax chase music used in the benny hill show ? thx
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Can anyone tell me the song (and singer?) which is being played currently on the DFS (Furniture) ad. Thanks
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Where can i buy the 'Italians do it better' t-shirt that Kelly Osbourne wears at the beginning of her 'Papa Dont preach' video ???
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can any one tell me the song which is played in the ending credits in the bourne supremacy, regards chris
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it starts off with the same kinda beginning as 'only have eyes for you' but all i remember from the lyrics is: i want to thank you for this wonderful night wishing i could see you one more time...i...
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where can i dowload the tune "dance" by ESG its the one off the toyota verso advert with the two girl start dancing in wetsuits till the mans wife comes in ant turns of the music
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Hi, I posted this question in Adverts, but on second thoughts I thought maybe I should have put it in the Music category, the song was featured in an advert tonight, it has the line "at last my love...
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where can I find living on video by transex
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Can anyone tell me what Daniel's new song is called, it was on B4(on channel 4) on thursday I think. Thanx
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looking for the name of the band and song that had a chorus " Hate your mommies, Hate your Daddies, Hate the rotton little brats how called you fatty, hate the rich oil componies hate the...
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What is the B side of Lonnie Donegans record My old mans a dustman?
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By chance I came across this website which plays a tune: I am familiar with the tune, I seem to have known it all my life, but what is it called?  Who...

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