Kings Of Leon!!! in The AnswerBank: Artists
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Kings Of Leon!!!

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puddicat | 12:40 Sat 01st Nov 2008 | Artists
5 Answers
I really love the track sex on fire by this band, and i was trying to think who the singer sounded a bit like, any one remember stevie winwood, from the 60s and 70s???
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are you serious... you think stevie winwood sounds like Caleb from kings of leon...

Can't see it myself, they are a great band though
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Hi fickens i didnt mean he was all stevie winwood but i think they sound similar!!!
kings of leon are kind of well.... weird. they only did that track because they couldnt think what to write so they just thought of sex and wrote a song about it.

My opinion: Don't like 'em

Yours: Do like 'em

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Havent heard some of there albums, but loads of people like them,maybe should listen to there latest think one of our service users has it,still love there latest single very raunchy and rocky!!!
Hi puddi,

I think they are one of the best rock bands of recent times, Because Of The Times is a fantastic album and they are brilliant live (even though I was nearly dead on my feet watching them as they where the last band on Sunday night at V festival)

Fans is my favourite from Because of the times

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=H1hgRDRc3ug&feat ure=related

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