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The AnswerBank Articles

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How can I make my band a success

A. The short answer is … there is no short answer! Q. Fair enough, I'll settle for the longer answer then. A. Right. Let's assume you've got a strong image, some excellent original songs,01:00 Mon 25th Jun 2001

Are 'live'concerts value for money

The concept of value is a tricky one to pin down in any financial transaction. It comes down to the notion of what people want, and what they are willing to pay for it. If you are a massive fan of an01:00 Mon 25th Jun 2001

Why did everyone make a fuss when Bob Dylan turned sixty

A. The fact that Bob Dylan is officially an 'old man' means that the 'protest generation' which Dylan single-handedly kick-started in the early 1960s is getting older as well, and they took a long01:00 Mon 18th Jun 2001

What does 'heavy metal' actually mean

A. In its truest form, the rock music style known as 'heavy metal' is captured by the albums of Led Zeppelin, who were the first band to take the blues influences of rock music and weld them to a01:00 Mon 18th Jun 2001

As a singer, how can I protect my voice

A. The problem with the environment in which pop and rock is delivered is that it includes just about everything that's bad for the human voice. Q. That doesn't sound too good! A. It isn't!01:00 Mon 18th Jun 2001

Who is the unsung hero of the blues

A. His name is Roy Buchanan. Q. Not a name that's instantly familiar. A. Maybe not, but his reputation as a musician and an influence make Roy Buchanan worthy of the accolade 'the guitarist's01:00 Mon 11th Jun 2001

What is glam rock

A. Ah, musical categories, don't you just love 'em It's a peculiarly British press phenomenon, the urge to lump certain bands and artists together under a common label. From 1970 to 1975, the01:00 Mon 11th Jun 2001

Who is Joey Ramone

A. Joey Ramone can probably lay claim to the sort of title that almost any musician would love to get their hands on - the originator of a 'style' - in Joey's case, the style was punk rock. Q. 01:00 Mon 11th Jun 2001

Who was Joey Ramone

Why has Joey Ramone's death been in the news, who was he Joey Ramone can probably lay claim to the sort of title that almost any musician would love to get their hands on ' the originator of a01:00 Mon 11th Jun 2001

Who compiles the weekly music charts

A. These days, the charts are compiled and overseen by The Music Industry Chart Services Ltd, a company set up by the music industry to ensure that the Charts represent an accurate assessment of01:00 Mon 04th Jun 2001

The Festival Survival Guide

Q. I'm planning to go to some of the outdoor music festivals, is there any advice to ensure a safe and successful summer A. The golden rules for enjoyment of music festivals are the same as any01:00 Mon 04th Jun 2001

Festival Survival Guide

01:00 Mon 04th Jun 2001

Who is the biggest influence in jazz music

A. There can be few musicians more able to claim the 'biggest influence' label than Miles Davis. Q. Why is he considered so important A. If you check back through the history of jazz music from01:00 Mon 04th Jun 2001

Who is the daddyo of jazz

Who is the biggest influence in jazz music There can be few musicians more able to claim the 'biggest influence' label than Miles Davis. Why is he considered so important If you check back01:00 Mon 04th Jun 2001

Where did the idea of writing music on paper originate

A. The urge to make music is as old as the human race, and the desire to capture particular pieces of music in a format, which could be passed on to others, is as old as civilisation itself. Q. 01:00 Mon 28th May 2001

Why is no music ever presented properly on television

A. To paraphrase Doctor Johnson, presentation of music on television is like a dog walking on its hind legs - it's not that it is done badly, but that one is surprised to see it done at all. Q. 01:00 Mon 28th May 2001

Can you recomend a method of collecting music, I haven't got a fortune to spend

A. There has never been a better time to start a music collection than now, there are more and more inexpensive ways of amassing a series of sounds than ever before. Q. Sounds great, where do I01:00 Mon 21st May 2001

Someone has told me that Radio Two has won the 'Station Of The Year' Award, can that be true

A. It is right, BBC Radio Two has scooped the Sony Music 'Radio Station Of The Year' Award for the second time in three years. Radio Two is no longer the domain of the more 'mature' carpet-and01:00 Mon 21st May 2001

What can you tell me about the composer Mozart

A. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, although his christened name was rather more lyrical - Johannes Chrysostmus Wolfgangus Theophillus Amadeus Mozart - was born in Saltsburg in January 1756. Q. No wonder01:00 Mon 21st May 2001

How easy is it to present music in a 'live'setting

A. It can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be. The factors involved depend on what you are producing, and how you want to present it to the public, paying or otherwise. Q. So there are no01:00 Mon 14th May 2001

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