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old song writers, have they lost it?

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stevie0914 | 01:11 Sat 08th Oct 2011 | Music
22 Answers
Why do brilliant songwriters lose it as they get older, surly the talent is in a person and age should not make a difference, e.g. Paul McCartney, Paul Simon, Neal diamond etc?


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I think the urgency of creativity in a young musician can slowly ebb away as they get older, but I think one of the reasons why they produce less immediate work is that they simply don't have to try as hard, because they have success and money, and a degree of acceptance of what ever they deliver.

Rick Davies of Supertramp said that he had been dreading the...
19:26 Sun 09th Oct 2011
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do you know what mark, i am expecting an answer from you no matter what i ask so go for it.
His real name is Matilda.
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i like that
By the way in touch with nothing much I think Paul Mc Cartney looks dreadful
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well he is no spring chicken mamyalynne
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just what i'm saying, why cant he do it now?
There's a time to bow out stevie ... bow out Paul ;0)
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i guess so.
You know me ...
Wrong thread! Oops! .. :0)
& oops again stevie .. what diference does it make? .. have some Smiths!! :0)
Paul McCartney has moved on musically speaking, he has just premiered a score he has written, a ballet, so not sure that old writers do lose it, they just do different stuff.
I think many people with a talent gradually lose the creative spark as they get older (not totally, and not all, but many do).

Cole Porter wrote some great songs/musicals when young & middle aged but could not write such great songs later (the musical Kiss Me Kate was a "hit" in later life after many years in the wilderness).

Issac Newton came up with some amazing ideas when he was fairly young and then struggled in later life to match them, as did Albert Einstein.

I guess those with talent have a certain amount to "say" and then once that has run out it is hard to find more to say.

I was listening to some old Beatles songs the other day and when I heard Eleanor Rigby I thought I bet Paul McCartney listens to that and thinks "why cant I do that any more".

Of course styles change as well, and a "hit" song in the 1960s or 1970s may not be a hit song 40 years later.
There are some people who do indeed persist once their magic spark has gone, but I'm not aware of it in the people you mention, stevie! Their style may change (as happens with a lot of us) so what attracted us to them in the first place may be there no longer, but that may appeal to a new audience.

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old song writers, have they lost it?

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