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Nostalgia Corner is open, come in a spin an olde..

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Bobbisox | 16:25 Fri 28th Oct 2011 | Music
278 Answers
nah, not me, a disk...haha
will throw it open to 70s and 80s freaks to



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I have to admit, craft has totally confused me...easy I suppose
Whad I do?
-- answer removed --
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Now I wish I was Tamb :0(
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nowt :-(
I wish...
Prob not what your looking for, but I just like Chorlton.
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after being called a stupid woman for this thread...feel free..Mwahahaha!
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arhh so kind ..Mwahahaha!
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Hi Mamy, thanks, I would love to take part in your MT but I am usually well tucked up by now :0(
Love Chorton, Kawa... :-)
Not lately Bobbi - I adore Chorlton too. Ho Ho HO HO
am off, work later. Night all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
think that covers everyone :)
One of my favourite songs of all time. Can't possibly begin to explain what it means to me...
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Bill's son is here so we are having a late one Mamya, otherwise I would be in bed
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nite Tamb xxx
Mark - you do not need to explain is wonderful.

Bobbi is he still up?? I have house guests too but they are tucked up asleep.
Apologies - Son not Grandson, just done eye drops. oops
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he's having a Dad an son thing :-)
he's almost 40 so I can't say.." Git ti bed"

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Nostalgia Corner is open, come in a spin an olde..

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