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Nostalgia Corner is open, come in a spin an olde..

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Bobbisox | 16:25 Fri 28th Oct 2011 | Music
278 Answers
nah, not me, a disk...haha
will throw it open to 70s and 80s freaks to



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me too Elsie...
ta Tamb but as always say, it's the people like you lot who make a thread a good one :-)
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and no it isn't
care to contribute a song when you were a little biddy boy Triggs?
Second try - Joan (?) Wayne arrived with the the way Bobbisox you keep choosing one of my assistant's favourites - Ricky Nelson, the younger generation huh?
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arhh that's right. I remember you saying..hehe
Loved the film when Kirsty Alley was playing it in "Who's Talking".
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another one who died too early puss :-(
Sorry the film is called....Look who's Talking.
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who the hell is daryl pansy????
I know that every generation thinks that their music is the best and rightly so, but I'm so glad that my teenage years were during the 60s.
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me too puss, believe me there will always be a niche for us on AB for Nostalgia, it proves very popular

this is dedicated to one of the nice men on here,,,the doc...Mwahahaha!
He'd love that Bobbi, he's not here tho. I think he has said more than once that he's gone fishing in Scotland, won't be back till Sunday. I've had loads of phone calls, he's caught a Pike today......don't get it myself...but it has made him very happy.
Hey Bobbs, that clip reminds me of Doc and Puss's clip that I've seen on AB. Fab clip!
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he's a character right enough Puss :-)
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Hi Mrs C and loobs..Mwahahaha!
good thread! .. its nice having a trip down memory lane
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looby, whether it's me or someone else, there's always a place for this music :-)

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