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31 Day Music Challenge! DAY 13!!

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erin-x | 23:52 Mon 31st Oct 2011 | Music
64 Answers
DAY 13 - Your favourite TV theme tune....

Has to be Big Bang Theory obviously!!! XD

Here's the full version. Oh and is it sad that I know nearly all the words?? hehe x


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Ducktails, woo hoo...
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Lol. I know, I was surprised at knowing all the words too! I love this thread, I am sat here happily singing away :D
Haha. Clap away!
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Yay Trap Door! Lol @ Berk :D
How could this one be forgotten? Lol
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How did I forget about this?! Love the Baywatch one Flip!!
Haha! The filth of it!

Hang on, that's made me think of something....
D'you know what. I've never actually seen an episode of Friends. I do like that song though! :-)
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My music teacher used to play this on his trumpet all the time.. Must have thought it made him cool :-/ lol x
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Still in the "theme tune" mode... but the immature person in me, always laughs at this.
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You have got to be kidding me Flip?!! I think i've seen every episode at least 10 times.......
Ohh, it was close. Glad I'm not the only one who's made to feel like a leper, for not liking Friends.
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I was a Cartoon Network kid :)
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I think my Dad and big bro liked Johnny Bravo more than me haha!
No, not joking. I just don't think I'd like it.
I used to love this.

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31 Day Music Challenge! DAY 13!!

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