Classic Ipod probs in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Classic Ipod probs

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vodkancoke | 09:53 Thu 09th Feb 2012 | Technology
5 Answers

I have a classic Ipod (160gb) which is playing silly bu66ers and I can't fix it!

The screen is on (lit)and it is paused on the last thing I played last night. The lock is slid to off but on the screen it is showing as on. It won't play and it looks like it has frozen. It is fully charged and when I plug it into my laptop via the USB it doesn't recognise it. It's 2 years old.

Thanks for any help :)
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Have you tried switching off by holding down bottom front button and one on top edge . Hold until goes dark, apple appears, then goes black. When it comes back is rebooted.
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It won't switch on and off. It's not responding to anything at all :(
so by pressing on both buttons at the same time and holding them depressed, nothing happens at all? (you have to keep on holding them......)
usually middle button and top button at same time to restart
Question Author
Yep I know thats what should happen but nothing is happening at at all.
.completely frozen. I am going to run it into the Apple store when I get out of hospital.and see what they say. Thank you all for your replies :)

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