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Name this song.

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kitandholly | 13:30 Fri 17th Feb 2012 | Music
10 Answers
What is the name to this song. It's on a trailer for The Walking Dead and I can't find the name of it anywhere???
http://www.istockphot...the-morning-comes.php Media URL:


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Jonny Cash
There has been a thread on here before which identified the song- type Walking Dead in the AB search box
Sorry- I can't see the earlier thread
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Ok It's not Johnny Cash..... Sounds a bit like him but it's not.... at least it's no song I can find of his. Also the previous thread refered to a different trailer and song :( If it's any help the lyrics are on that link on the bottom right
That link doesn't work for me.
It is Johnny Cash , I think
Not this one?
Ok, it's not that. That appears on youtube though under Walking Dead theme
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Yeah, there was another trailer which they used that tune for.... They've used Johnny Cash before that aswell but this one has me stumped. I'm 99% certain it's not a cash song.
Don't think you will have much luck with this as others have been asking in other forums.

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After years of searching turns out its called til te morning comes by sonny ray.

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