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Do you like Emily Dickinson?

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lauratwentyeight | 17:42 Sat 31st Mar 2012 | Music
7 Answers
i really ove her and thought i would share a poem i sung of hers ;)


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Is this Doc in drag?
(sorry, laura, just a joke at your innoent expense - he had been banished to the outer troll world but was notorious for his renditions).
This is almost a duplicate post, I've responded on your other Emily Dickinson thread.
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boxtops i posted this because i made a mistake on the other and couldent delre it lol!
Still there, though! :-)
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u cant delete on here though? i asked fot it removed ;))
I like her unusual insights for subjects such as natural world, death and spirituality.

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Do you like Emily Dickinson?

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