Is repeated unsubstantiated posting against site rules? in The AnswerBank: Site Suggestions
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Is repeated unsubstantiated posting against site rules?

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Lillabet | 13:49 Wed 01st Jun 2005 | Site Suggestions
5 Answers

Dear AB Editor.

I'm sure you've noticed how often people are upset about having posts removed. Does your system allow you to see who has reported posts and for what reason? If so can you identify anyone as repeatedly reporting posts for reasons that you find are unsubstantiated? If so is such reporting against site rules?

I know that what is 'offensive' to one may be cheeky to another. But surely if someone keeps saying another individual is offensive and you disagree - which reinstating the posts seems to indicate. Then I would expect such reporting becomes irritating not only for those reported but also for you...

If you can be barred for posting too often or being too chatty then I certainly think you should be able to bar those who do this. Could you let me know your thoughts on this suggestion... Thanks

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I dated a girl like this once.
I agree Lillabet and posted a lengthy submission (which I won't repeat here) on TCL's thread. Good contributors are being banned by users unknown to them but presumably known to AB itself. The continuing undercurrent of mistrust and bad feeling is damaging to use of the site. and deterring people like FP, which is bad news.
I dumped her pretty sharpish

I agree with you and jno lillabet . I am sure ABE is starting to straighten things out and will get to this too.
We should all be making allowances for our personality differences and stop being offended so easily, (even if we are sensitive),which can lead to unnecessary reporting. Some I know must be just troublemakers anyway, just as people who cause viruses to spread through the computer world.
I don't think it will become perfect, but improved greatly....YES

I agree, but why cannot some people take polite disagreement.  Methinks some folk on here like to cause a bit of a hoohah for no reason.  I would only ever report obscene language - but I'm not into reporting as such.

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Is repeated unsubstantiated posting against site rules?

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