title of a song - any ideas ??? in The AnswerBank: Music
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title of a song - any ideas ???

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lfc-lad | 23:13 Sun 05th Jun 2005 | Music
3 Answers
I am trying to find out the title and or artist who sang a song back in the mid 90's, it was always being played on MTV. The only words that I can remember were something like " like a snake slips in to the water" and the video showed a women with long black hair. sorry this is vague, but any ideas will be gratefully appreciated.
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Hmmmm im thinking PJ Harvey but wouldnt know the track

Pure guesswork here, and a bit long-winded, but in 1995 PJ Harvey released an album called To Bring You My Love (reached no.7 in UK charts) which contained a track called Long Snake Moan (don't know if released as a single) whose lyrics include the lines

You oughta hear my long snake moan!

You oughta see me from my moan!

Dunk you under deep salt water

Full lyrics here

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thank you both for your suggestions of PJ Harvey, but unfortunately, thats not it. This was more of a pop song than a rock song, have been trying to think of anymore details to narrow it down, but I can't - thanks for trying, much appreciated, but if anyone else has any ideas that would be great, thanks.

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title of a song - any ideas ???

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