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Beatles or Stones ?

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Krausse | 23:32 Tue 13th Nov 2012 | Music
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Depends what mood I'm in so I'll say both
Pink floyd or Elvis ?
If I hear Hey Jude one more time, I won't be responsible for my actions.
I'm with you on that one Hopkirk
Pink Floyd or Elvis?.... Pink Floyd
I can't believe you just said that, Elvis.
Me too. I love Floyd, I also like Elvis. Just wondered which was your favorite for obvious reasons.
Granddaughter's stage school did a through the ages performance last month.
Enjoying it til Hey Blasted Jude. I gave the loudest groan and bit a chunk out of the seat in front of me.....but it is awful...dire... sickening....

Pink Floyd
Both for me :)
We have much in common Gness.
Beatles, well most of the time. They wrote some lovely songs - Imagine for a start (I suppose one of them wrote it). Stones were a bit rough I thought. Beatles seemed more gentlemanly, but probably weren't.
The darkened room for Hey Jude singers?
Ok I chose my answer on what I'd most likely listen to on a daily basis
Floyd is on planet rock right now 'Money'. Top tune : )
Kids today wouldn't understand the noises at the beginning of 'Money'
Arkwrights till, Watch ya tie : )
SOME kids,Hopkirk! I was brought up on Pink Floyd! :D
Beatles for me! That is, was a huge fan in the early days before they went strange and Hare Krishna-ish !! then went off them a bit .............
I wonder if it was sampled from 'Are You Being Served' ?
I seem to remember as a kid that the programme had a similar cash register tone.

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