song title in The AnswerBank: Music
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happy_face | 13:53 Mon 20th Jun 2005 | Music
4 Answers

I know this is a bit of a long shot but there's a ballad which is great and it's frustrating me I don't know who it's done by.
It's being played on the radio at the moment but not often. It's sort of in the same style as Coldplay and Keane and it's a male singer. The only bit I have is the chorus where he sings "you took a long time coming"

Any ideas?

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Delays "Long Time Coming" taken from the album Faded Seaside Glamour. Singer has high moments like Chris Martin but it's not a new song, was out 1-2 years ago

I am sure my boyfriend has a song with these lyrics by one of these indie bands...i think could even be coldplay...i'll ask him tonight and see if he can remember and come back to you tomorrow if nobody else does!

i've got a feeling its 'Gravity' by Embrace which was written by Chris Martin. It does have those words in the lyrics
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Jazz1000 - that's it. That's definitely the song.
As I read it, I realised that was the one.

Thank you all for your responses.

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