Learning To Play The Guitar in The AnswerBank: Music
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Learning To Play The Guitar

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shaman | 12:34 Wed 16th Jan 2013 | Music
10 Answers
can anyone tell me how long it takes to get your fingers to do what you want them to, also how long before the tips of the stop hurting?
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The tips will start to harden up after a week or so, and reach their optimum invincibility in about a month, and as for commandable fingers it's just a matter of practice, but every time you get it right it becomes easier the next time. With chords try changing your finger position in mid air if you can rather than placing each finger individually on the strings as it facilitates much faster chord changes. Keep at it it's surprisingly easy after quite a short while.
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thanks Nox will keep trying
start with nylon strings & move onto wires as fingers harden; dip fingers in vinegar too
As NOX says, about a month to harden up, but ONLY if you keep at it. When I was gigging six nights a week, the tips of my fingers were so hard, I used to trim them with a razor blade (if they get too calloused, you can't feel with them!) Also used to rub them with witch hazel after a practice session.
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thanks Rojash,will keep at it,still finding it hard to hold down a single string think i need to thin my fingers down.
Try a spanish guitar, their necks are wider
rub your fingertips in superglue and let it dry. i used to do that all the time.

it just peels off afterwards

doesnt help harden your real fingertips of course but using this is never needed to.
Additionally, buy a quality guitar... the strings on good instruments are closer to the neck and frets... you don't have to push them down as far... makes it a lot easier, at least for me...
(if you are the person on the floor above me who is learning to play would you please give it a rest for... ooh a few years would suffice)
Just copy this guy and it will be easy^^

I tried it, a guitar is impossible to play!! you need at least 10 fingers on each hand and each finger needs to be 8 inches long!!

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