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Cow bells

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maccyp | 13:27 Wed 29th Jun 2005 | Music
8 Answers
One of my favourite tracks of late is LCD Soundsystem - Daft Punk Is Playing In My House and particularly loving the use of cow-bells in it�then watching Glasto footage I noted some cracking cow-bell playing in Doves' There Goes The Fear�any other notable tracks featuring this (hugely under-used, I think!) instrument to cement it as my new favourite instrument!?


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Cow bells were used in the intro to 'Bring Me Edelweiss' (by Edelweiss, 1989)

I love a good cowbell, me!

Soundgarden used one to great effect to accentuate the beat in the middle section of 'Spoonman'.

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes circa 1984 ??

Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper

If you can, watch the famous Saturday Night Live 'More Cowbell' spoof of this song with Christopher Walken.

The cowbell skit Ascenbach mentioned.  It's hilarious!

new order and the pet shop boys were both big cowbell users

new order did a live video of perfect kiss with barney sumner playing a mean bell 

And what about the whole of Guns and Roses - Appetite for Destruction album?

A veritable cowbell-a-thon?

the rapture 'house of jealous lovers' has some superb cowbell action on it! their last album also has a few tracks where the cowbell is utilised

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Cow bells

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