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You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover

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pinkerton | 21:13 Fri 05th Dec 2014 | Music
10 Answers
In the 1960's, did the Pretty Things do a cover version of this Bo Diddley number? If not, which British bands did?


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I remember having a song of that name on a B side to a single by Yvonne Fair (it should have been me). I'm not sure if it's the same song
The Yardbirds covered it.
I don't know how many of these artists are British, but this site is a must to bookmark't-Judge-a-Book-by-the-Cover/
The Pretty Things (who, of course, took their name from a Bo Diddley hit) were including 'You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover' in their set three years ago, so it seems likely that it was in their original repertoire:
Pretty things, 2011 though.
That clip made me look up the Yardbirds, I didn't know the blond lead singer electrocuted himself with his guitar and died at 33. how tragic.
Yep, snap indeed, Chris. I couldn't find a clip of them playing it from the sixties though, could you.
I didn't know that, Prudie.

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You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover

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