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Worst Voices In Pop?

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-Talbot- | 21:41 Sat 20th Dec 2014 | Music
67 Answers
Just listened to Take That on strictly........

Mark Owen, what a lucky man he is to earn his crust from singing.
And his dancing is friggen worse. Who gets your vote?


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I cringed when he sang his line tonight
I have always liked Katy Perry's songs but I heard her singing live a on TV recently and she was dreadful
ellie golding - probably not one of the worst but I cant stand her singing & the lyrics just annoy the hell out of me for some reason
Bjork - I know a blast from the past, but her voice and her style of music just irritated me
and that other pair that didnt sing together but were in the charts at the same time - brother & sister - so annoying my brain refuses to remember them.
This grates on me, probably more the song than the voice but still!
The Beddingfields?
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Yes I think KP makes full use of the autotune, Factor. I'm not a fan of Ellie Goulding but I don't think she is a bad singer.

I love That Lorde track.
Did you mean the Beddingfields, Quoi?
/The Beddingfields?/

yes thats the guilty ones eve - thankyou
Will I Am has made some great songs but I have heard him live and he sounds flatter and less tuneful than i do
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Eve, when I first listened to that song I thought it was a (P)misstake
They sound like howling dogs.

Never found anyone more annoying than 'Cilla!'
Cyndi Lauper. Makes me want to run into oncoming traffic.
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Sounds like fun, snags.
That Denice Lewis song, Loving You is just about the worst song and singing I can bear to imagine. Ten times worse than nails down a blackboard.
maria carey I would rather be trampled to death by a herd of maruding goats than listen to her, seen a clip of her on with the Canadian warbler boobly is it and he was praising the song she writ all I want a Christmas .Bring on the goats
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Unusual choice there, Weecalf.
I will have to youtube that, Horseshoes.
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You mean Leona Lewis?

Good voice but coma inducing.
There are probably lots but the ones that come to mind are Lily Allen and the lead singer of REM

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