Feel All Warm And Fuzzy in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Feel All Warm And Fuzzy

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B00 | 22:04 Fri 05th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
My local area's FB has gone all out to pull together as a community to help this lovely lady (who lives next street from me as it happens)


So far, as well as the actual money so far, she's now got an afternoon tea at our local tea rooms, a new handbag and purse from our local 'posh' shop, a fruit basket from the greengrocers and a Tesco voucher.

Our local school (which Mini Boo goes to) is also going to involve its pupils to make cards for her.

it's really made me feel quite proud of our little area that despite the despicable crime involved, there's more of us good 'uns than bad ones.

Thought i'd share this and if anyone is feeling generous, the link to donate a quid or two is also there ;-)
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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That's wonderful BOO, you are right to be proud of your community
Isn't it great when a small community pulls together for someone in need .... Great result xx
What a despicable thing to do to an elderly lady.
Looks like there's going to be a happy ending, thanks to your community!
Good on you all :)

x x
Does a 93 year old have much use for money? Just asking.
thats not a smart or relevant reply svejik ! Just mean!
It's not meant to be smart. I wouldn't say it's not relevant either. And it's certainly not intended to be mean.
it's a very "cold" entry.
well she has to eat and pay the odd bill or two, and I know some of the older folk prefer cash to cards, so yes of course she needs cash !!
Nice gestue, but with it being so public surely she'll be a target again to the scum of this world?
@ swejk.....my MIL had plenty of need of her money when she was 93....nearly a grand a week to stay in her care home.
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Panky, I hear what you're saying and I did initially think that myself, however she wasn't broken into, she naively invited these people into her home. Sadly, she'll hopefully be a bit wiser an not let strangers into a home again. Also someone has now volunteered to donate a security system on her house which will also lessen anything happening again- fingers crossed!
'Does a 93 year old have much use for money' ....... Don't 93 year olds have bills to pay and food to buy as well as the rest of us ??
well done the community you live in, there are still decent people there.
How awful, well done your community, B00 and I hope they are caught.
//'They have totally shattered my world, their cruel actions have put 10 years on me. Now, I'm afraid to say I pray daily that God will take me away after what happened.
'I have had a wonderful life, but because of this, I am ready to give up.'//

C+P from the newspaper. Heartbreaking :(
That poor lady, well done on your community.

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