I'm trying to find a song with the lyric " this thing was Bound to Happen" in it(or something along those lines??). It's not the Spill Canvas song.It's a slowish indie song.I've tried to shazzam it whenever I've heard it but to no avail.Unfortunately the above lyric was the only line I managed to recognise.Having said that it still might be wrong. Can anyone be so kind as to help me with this? Anything you can tell me is much appreciated. Cheers.
Happy to help. I was wondering whether you'd forgotten about it.
With queries like this the lyrics are often not exact but by singing the given lyrics in different ways I can usually hear the tune in my head. "This thing was bound to happen" soon became This Monkey's Gone to heavenThis was one I hadn't heard for years but it had clearly stuck in my mind
I've been busy over the weekend so didn't get time to check back in but thanks again.Everytime I'd heard this track I tried to find out who sang it but it was always background music in pubs and people talking over it made it difficult to pick out any kind of lyric.I'd previously googled it to but feel a bit of a berk as I was searching for the wrong thing altogether. You've been a massive help mate.Cheers.