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I Think Noel's Sat At Home Eating Tofu'

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mikey4444 | 16:56 Tue 04th Oct 2016 | Music
6 Answers

The important phrase here "do you know what I mean" !


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I'm astonished you even know who the Gallagher brothers are, given you staunch old school stance.

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Noel has created a critically and commercially successful band, and tour regularly for six years.

I saw him in the summer in Montreal holding a sold-out audience spellbound with the majesty of his performance.

Liam has ... er ... um ... well ... do you know what I mean?
Liam is a brilliant 'you know what' taker - love it!!
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Mamy....yeah, know what I mean !
Is this the kind of thread you would put "meanwhile in Aleppo" on Mikey or not?
I do know Mikey, ta.

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I Think Noel's Sat At Home Eating Tofu'

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