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When Did Our Heroes Get Old?

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Mozz71 | 02:18 Mon 23rd Sep 2019 | Music
35 Answers
Bruce Springsteen is 70 years old today. How the heck did that happen? Happy Birthday Boss!


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Growing up's no fun. I'm terrible at adulting.
If you were paused then you'd not notice, well unless everyone else weren't paused with you, then you'd notice after you were unpaused. Hmm... are you sure that's not what happened ?
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It only pauses the aging process OG, life can still continue as normal. ;-)
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He's not my hero (nobody of that ilk is) but was reading an article the other day and was shocked to realise Gareth Gates was 35!!

Wow, still remember him as a young nervous boy on Pop Idol.
Its scary really.
I'm sure he still thinks he's in his 30's really.

He was born to run and run and run.
when he was thirty six, The Boss released "Glory Days", the sort of song/story, etc that you tell your audience when those days really are over. 34 years later and it still isn't entirely applicable.
I, too, dislike the use of the word 'hero' in this context. However, the dictionary definition of 'hero' is; "a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements or noble qualities." I guess many of our well established rock/pop musicians and sports stars meet the second criteria. Still don't like it, though:-/
10ClarionSt //I admire Bruce Springsteen for one reason. He was on tour in the UK during the miners strike in the 80's. When he was in the North East, he donated £20,000 to the miners strike fund. He said he could fully empathise with them as his family had endured similar things when his dad was a miner.//

And then he supported Obama who closed half the coal mines in America and Clinton who promised to close the other half.
I don't think my heroes have become old, but my idols certainly have!

I find it hard to accept the ages of musicians I have grown up with, but I have to remember that they have aged one day at a time exactly the same as I have, and I hit sixty-five in a few weeks, so it's reasonable that my contemporaries, and those artists a few years ahead, have done the same, or hit the seventy mark.

It will be really sad when the start dropping off the twig - I was seriously upset when Leonard Cohen died, I've been a fan since I was seventeen, same with Bowie.
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//It will be really sad when the start dropping off the twig - I was seriously upset when Leonard Cohen died, I've been a fan since I was seventeen, same with Bowie//

Yup, it'll be hard to get our heads around, and I think it'll be happening with more and more frequency. There will come a time in the not too distant future when there'll be no Beatles left. That's a sobering thought.
Spicerack; you've got that the wrong way round haven't you? Clinton was before Obama. I still admire Springsteen for what he did.
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10CS, I think he meant he supported Hillary over Trump.

Rather sensibly in my view
Thanks Mozz. Mis-read. It's an age thing! :o)
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We're all suffering from that mate

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