have been sent this on email and you have to name about 250 pop groups from pictures. Does anyone know of a good website that has picture that can help me finish off this quiz? thanks
Don't you dare cheat ing at it long enough shouting at the computer " tion you get when you can keep star!!
I've been doing this for weeks / months now, i'm not sure....
The satisfaction you get when you remember an answer, especially after staring at the computer hour after hour screaming "I f***in know you from somewhere you ******* **** ** ****"... etc.. etc..
I think I'm doing the same one as you, I currently have 187 out of 270 and have quite a few of the ones you were missing on your last post. Any more updates on how you are doing and maybe we can swap a few.
hi clairestan . please could you send me the pop quiz i think i am doing the same one at work but we cant send e-mails outside of the office, Its driving me mad and would love to do it at home please help!!
Hi Miss Marple. I have done 254 out of the 270 and would be happy to exchange any answers you have not got and hopefully you may have some i don't have.